The Journey Journal
The Joyous Journey Blog

The Joy Journal | Vol. 13
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 12
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 11
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!
The Joy Journal | Vol. 10
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 9
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 8
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 7
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

The Joy Journal | Vol. 6
The latest news, links, and recommendations from The JoYOUs Journey team!

JoYOUs Travels!!!
Wow! Just wow!! We were blown away last week to see where you’re traveling!!! Mexico, Utah, BVI, Turks & Caicos, Indiana... and everywhere in between!! It seems that “normal” is waking up from its year-long slumber and is ready to GO!!

“Luxury” Travel
I often hear people say or insinuate that vacations are a "luxury.” They are too busy with work to take time off or that a big trip is selfish. Have you heard the same things? Do you believe one of those things? I have definitely struggled with the "too much work to do" belief.
The Meaning of “Life”
Some very interesting words ran across my path this week. First, I read a quote the other day which said, “these ARE the good ole’ days…enjoy them!” I was struck by how true that is. Second, you should know I’m a big 70s music fan. I heard a song by Cat Stevens yesterday which I’ve never heard before titled - Oh, Very Young. A lyric from this song struck me: “You’re only dancing on this earth for a short while. Those words really got me thinking. Do we enjoy our present? Do we dance while we’re here?
I don’t know about you, but I want to do both.

Meet Your Guides - Adele
Hello!! I am Adele Nandan, one of your guides, and the Chief Experience Officer for The JoYOUs Journey. I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am that we are taking this journey with YOU. My love for travel and creating transformational experiences started at a very young age.